Reiki Practitioner I and II Training


Become a Reiki I or a Reiki II Practitioner.


Reiki I teaches you the history origin and founders of Reiki. You learn about the Chakra system and its correlation with the endocrine system, our emotions and the effects they have on our health. You learn how to administer Reiki to yourself, and those in close proximity for not only people but also to pets, animals and plants.

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In Reiki II, you are taught 3 symbols passed down from Dr Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki. The first symbol gives a power boost and can also be used to charge or clear. The second symbol connects you to the emotion, habits, programs and addictions, communication and relationships. The third symbol takes into the quantum field of healing, where time and place do not exist. You learn how to send Reiki to situations, people and to override the linear time barrier. IN addition, you will also receive another attunement that will "boost" your healing ability, and increase your intuitive skills. New techniques are also taught in Reiki II.

These trainings are priced at $188

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