Enhance your healing skills

Develop your healing abilities and spiritual practices through our comprehensive training programs. From Reiki Practitioner I and II Training to advanced Reiki Master/Teacher Apprenticeships, these courses empower you to become a skilled healer and guide for others on their spiritual journey.

Reiki Practitioner I and II Training

Become a Reiki I or a Reiki I Practitioner, bringing the power of Reiki and self-healing into your own life and others. Reiki I, Learn Reiki's history, the Chakra system, and how to administer Reiki to yourself, others, pets, and plants. In Reiki II, Discover three powerful symbols for boosting energy, addressing emotions and relationships, and transcending time in healing. Includes an attunement to enhance healing and intuition.

Reiki Master/Teacher with Apprenticeship

The Reiki Master/Teacher level is the advanced stage of Reiki training, where you elevate your practice to a mastery level and gain the skills to teach and guide others. This level involves a deeper understanding of Reiki techniques, symbols, and principles, along with the ability to pass on the Reiki attunements to new practitioners. As a Reiki Master/Teacher, you will not only enhance your own healing abilities but also empower others to develop their own Reiki practice and journey.