Nancee L.
“The Sophia Code has changed my life. I knew there was an important reason I chose to be here on this earth at this time. But felt that I was floating along with no true purpose. The Sophia Code has focused and given purpose to my life. This is so huge! I truly believe I am here to help create heaven on earth. The Sophia Code, my work with the Ascended Masters, Sophia has given me all the tools I need to help with this accomplishment. I believe I am here to help anchor Divine Light into the Earth plane. My daily work with the Ascended Masters and the Codex has so enlightened my life. I continue to have many Ah ha moments which confirm this work as Truth. I feel the Ascended Masters are so much a part of my life. I am filled with gratitude for their daily guidance. The Sophia Dragon Online Community thru Kaia Ra it an amazing connecting point for all Light workers. Kaia Ra's channeled on line prayer collectives are amazing and beautiful. It is very empowering to feel the connection of the entire Sophia Dragon tribe via online collectives. It is also very empowering to read other Light Workers stories, connections and experiences to the Sophia Code. Lastly, I would have to say, I would not have begun this beautiful journey without your invitation to the Sophia Circle. Our 13 week Sophia Circle was so empowering and transforming. I would not be here if it would not have been for your personal guidance each week. Your amazing channeling work and beautiful weekly classes truly began my journey with the Sophia Code. There truly was a soul connection with everyone in our group. It was beautiful to see the growth of everyone there. I am so filled with gratitude for receiving that very first email invitation to join the group. Your work is amazing Paula, You are an inspiration to your entire tribe. I so thank you from the bottom of my heart" Love and Light.”
Kristen A.
“In nearly a decade, I have known Paula as yoga instructor, Shaman, facilitator, intuitive healer, mentor, blossoming into dear, trusted friend. Her gifts have welcomed, healed and introduced me to my inner child, brought physical relief in flares of rheumatoid arthritis, gave insight and wisdom during times of great grief and loss while encouraging me to be aware of, open to and willingness to use my spiritual gifts. Most recently, I experienced a serious face first fall injuring my sternum and face. As the pain in my chest became searing heart pain, I knew emotional healing was paramount in order for physical restoration to begin. Paula's acute intuition, divinely channeled messages, a Herkimer diamond placed under my back directly behind my heart, the use of a Healey allowed multiple levels of my healing which left not only my physical pain decreased tremendously, but my heart lighter, renewed and inspired to pursue my journey as a healer to the broken hearted. Paula loves and gives without measure and has angel wings that encompass beyond what one could ever imagine <3 “
Adrianne E.
“Sharing an amazing experience that I have had with the help of Paula. I am a Scorpio, born 11/11 and was part of an amazing revelation in this month of November. For those of you that recognize the power behind that combo, you won't be surprised at what I write next. For years my journey contained struggle in regards to self-realization and self-esteem. I wasn't staying present in relationships and wasn't really in optimal relationships fit for me. I experienced trauma throughout my whole life that I wasn't releasing. Through her work and the work she guided me to do, I have successfully shed the negative energies and open doors for the positive. Since our session together, I have truly moved to a higher level of self. I do not hang onto the past, the traumas are now merely part of my past vs part of my present.I prayed to God for peace and thy will..I knew and trusted He had a plan. " Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened". Matthew 7:7-8 God answered my prayers. I don't carry the negative energies anymore. Most recently, I experienced an amazing, out of this world introduction to my soul mate. I've been waiting for this my whole life. Prayer and manifestation works! It's been a supernatural experience that I'll never forget. Paula was amazing with her energy. Her experience and authentic power of the universe is evident. I recommend Paula to anyone looking to make a positive shift in their lives.”